Infographics: 31% of Romanian employees used internet and computers at work in 2022, the lowest percentage in the European Union after Bulgaria

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sursa foto: Pexels
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sursa foto: Pexels

Romania ranks second last in the European Union after Bulgaria, with 31% of employees using internet and computer services at work, according to a Eurostat report for 2022.

Over a ten year period, Romania has seen an 11.7% increase in this segment, which means a progress of 1.17% per year. 

Thus, while in 2013, only 19.3% of Romanian employees used the internet and computers at work, the percentage rose to 31% in 2022, according to statistics from the last decade.

The European countries with the highest percentages in 2022 are Norway (82.4%), Finland (81.1%), Sweden (78.5%) and Denmark (74.8%). 

It is worth noting that Iceland is the only country to reach the maximum percentage in 2014 and 2020.

Moreover, compared to non-EU countries, last year Romania was below countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina (31.7%), Serbia (41.4%), Turkey (44.7%) and Montenegro (48.4%).

The only countries we outrank are Albania (13.8%) and Bulgaria (25.5%).

harta eurostat internet angajati uniunea europeana
sursa foto: Eurostat

As for Romanian employees using mobile internet service, more than 27% were registered last year, according to a Eurostat report. Again, Romania is among the last countries in the European Union, alongside Bulgaria (22.2%), Greece (24.7%) and Slovakia (24.8%).

Our country has recorded a progress of 8.8% in the last four years, according to statistics for the 2019-2022 period. Thus, if in 2019, the percentage was 18.3%, it increased to over 27% in 2022.

Among the countries with the highest percentages of mobile internet use by employees in the workplace are Sweden (64.4%), Norway (50.2%), Lithuania (45%) and the Netherlands (43.1%).

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